Bank Of Ceylon Nugegoda Case Study

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[TYPE THE COMPANY NAME] [Type the document title] [Type the document subtitle] HP [Pick the date] Introduction to the company For the following change management assignment, Bank of Ceylon Nugegoda branch has been selected to analyses its change efforts done in resent three years. Bank of Ceylon is a major commercial bank in Sri Lanka which is government owned. The bank’s head office is located in an iconic cylindrical building in Colombo, the commercial and political capital of the island. It was established in 1939 and celebrates the 75th anniversary in this 2014. The bank consists of a network of over 618 branches, and over 500 automated teller machines (ATMs). It also has an around-the-clock call center and an around the clock…show more content…
Bank of Ceylon nugegoda have now gained credibility, timely service and dependability.  Responsiveness Customer responsiveness means the ability of a business to recognize and respond to changing customer needs. Accordingly knowledge and engagement with customers are the only sustainable competitive advantages a bank can have. A responsive bank uses technology to learn more about customer needs and trains its people to deliver the highest standards of customer service. Bank of Ceylon nugegoda has service qualities such as well Staff conduct, providing prompt of service and willingness of staff to help customers after the changes occurred in recent years.  Tangibles Meaning of tangibles is appearance of written materials, physical facilities, personnel and equipment. Tangibles bank of Ceylon nugegoda are its arrangement of floors with much space and clean environment  Assurance Assurance means employees’ courtesy and knowledge and their ability to inspire confidence and trust. Assurance qualities of bank of Ceylon nugegoda are Staff’s knowledge, Politeness of staff, Staff’s courtesy trustworthiness and…show more content…
It varies from one staff member to one staff member  Knowledge of employees Knowledge of employees in bank of Ceylon nugegoda are alert on current interest rates, alertness of their promotions, new financial services, and alert on other competitive banks’ activities  Security Security of bank of Ceylon nugegoda includes security guard at the opening, security guard for the car park, a separated place to keep baggage, well locked cupboards using multiple keys, duplicate keys and fixed security cameras at every department  Courtesy Courtesy of bank of Ceylon nugegoda includes courteous helpful service and friendliness of the staff  Consistency Consistency of bank of Ceylon nugegoda means that they provide their service achieving sameness, uniformity and fairness in the delivery or execution of all the service attributes, regardless of time, place, and occasion. It achieves consistency by providing such a service to all customers all the time. This is uniformity in variety  Competence Bank of Ceylon nugegoda achieve competence through customized current accounts, flexible loan and pawning facilities, ATM cards and online

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