Ayato Ykiri Case Study

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They say that children have an odd fascination for the world, are innocent, and can see through anything. All of this was the case for Ayato Yukiri besides the innocence. Ayato Yukiri was raised inside an orphanage. Her parents wanted nothing to do with her at a young age. Her family was all upbringings of societal success. Doctors, politicians, wealthy corporate business men, and loan sharks all made up her family. She demonstrated odd qualities as a child, being unreasonably perceptive. This caused her to find out that her mom was a gold-digger, someone who married her father purely for money. After making it known to her family that she believed her mom was a gold-digger, her family life declined slowly. Ensuing until the breaking point,…show more content…
She worked as a criminal psychologist for roughly a year. Case after case, arrest after arrest. She was highly proficient in her work, with roughly a 86% capture rating. This started to get insanely boring for her. Criminals were generic. One boring motive after the next, she continued to trudge through with the cases. The police department noted that she was on the verge of insanity. When she met her targets, she harassed them continuously. Anything from calling them names, to physical torture was applicable for her. The Japanese Government simply dismissed her odd behaviors. Not because it was legal, but rather they couldn't afford to lose the young girl. Ayato had produced too many benefits for the department to offset her deficits. A few dead corpses here or there among the detained criminals could be overlooked in their minds.. She became incredibly infamous for being the most cruel of any investigator you could meet. Ayato's nickname - Red Ribbon- came from her typical technique of binding her victims until them profusely bled. Her named eventually plagued the streets, and grew in infamy. No one exactly knew how many she killed, but most who had met her return to life with a permanent scar, emotionally and physically. She continued this cycle, that is, until she found no interest left in these "generic"

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