Authority And Disobedience In Kojiki's Yamato The Brave

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According to the Kojiki myths, the Japanese archipelago was created by two gods called Izanagi and Izanami, and they sent their offsprings to manage everything in the world, including land, ocean, and sunshine. In order to legitimize the Yamato emperors’ domination, the Kojiki emphasizes that the Japanese islands are dependent on heaven, and the Yamato rulers as the offsprings of the gods who have taken over the power from the gods. The Yamato rulers view themselves as the gods, and they think they are entitled to control over the whole land. Moreover, the Kojiki also shows the importance of authority and obedience. The story “Yamato the Brave” in the Kojiki describes the Emperor Keiko designated his third son to kill the people who were disobedient

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