Assignment 1: Compare And Answers In System Testing Practices And Principles

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UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGGONG CSCI318 – SOFTWARE ENGINEERING PRACTICES & PRINCIPLES Tutorial 3 July 2014 QUESTION 1: Define the following testing strategies. A. System Testing In system testing, the scope of the development project or product has been used to test the behavior of whole product or system. For example, project manager would carry out tests based on risks and requirement specifications, use cases, business process, or other high level descriptions of system behavior, interactions with the operating systems, and system resources. Furthermore, verification on delivered system to meet the specifications and its purpose is carried out since system testing is most often the final test. Specialist testers or independent testers are…show more content…
The relationship between system testing, integration testing and acceptance testing is shown as the following diagram. From that, we can compare that every software testing has different specifications such as integration testing is according to design specification. Besides that, system testing is based on system functional requirements whereas acceptance testing is based on user environment (client needs). Based on the different approach and scope of software testing, system testing ensures testing the whole system at a high level once all modules have been integrated. For integration testing, the main focus of integration testing is on communication and interface issues that may arise during module integration. However, the functionalities of the system as a whole in system testing are exercised according to the requirements specifications. Furthermore, Integration test can be derived from module interfaces and detailed architecture specifications; whereas, system tests are derived from requirements specifications. Moreover, integration testing focuses on interactions among modules but system testing focuses on system

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