Aspiration: My Goals And Goals For My Future

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An aspiration is a strong desire to achieve something. An aspiration turns into a goal once you put it into action. A goal is a result or achievement toward which effort is directed. Goals are important in improving oneself as well as to look forward toward something positive. I have 3 different goals for my future. First, my academic goal is to graduate college with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Second, my career goal is to acquire a successful career as either an accountant or budget analyst. Third, my personal goal is to give back to the community, both which I was raised in and the community I will currently live in. Setting these goals will allow me to work hard in order to accomplish them to the best of my ability. I chose to major…show more content…
An accountant’s main focus is to ensure financial records are accurate. They do this to make sure a company or person is not in debt. I would love to become an accountant because I would like to influence the younger generation to be aware of the causes debt can do to them. Debt can be a heavy burden to carry especially if you are young. Becoming more educated with how credit cards can scam you and how college loans are very important to be paid on time can really help young people for their future. Becoming an accountant will allow me to help others not get tangled up in this web. As a budget analyst, I could organize all the finances for a business. I could help a company not go into debt by stating the important facts about how their money is spent and ways to save money. In either career, I would like to enjoy working at it and always do my best. The more successful I become the more I can spread it to…show more content…
Helping those who don’t have much can make a world of difference. Currently, in my free time, I volunteer at 3 local organizations: FISH ministries, a local financial and food assistance place, Women In Need, a local women shelter and W. Walworth Harrison library. Every time I go to these places I’m amazed by how one little action can make a person’s day. For example, one night at FISH I was working in the pantry giving out food. When I came to the last lady’s car, she said thank you not only for the groceries, but all the work I did that night. “The groceries mean so much to me,” she said. She had just lost her job and ashamed to seek help. A friend told her about FISH, so she hurried here before it was too late. She expressed that “I made her night when I bought the groceries out to her.” Working at FISH that night was worthwhile after hearing those words. My experience volunteering has influenced me to do something in the future that will help the community as a whole. In the future, I hope to do something impactful for the community such a build a homeless shelter where people could stay and have people on site that could help them find jobs. Or a no-kill animal shelter that has a place for animals to run free without ever having to worry about anything in their way. Maybe even a college prep center for high school students who have dreams of going to college but need help getting either financially
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