Asian Children In Two Kinds By Amy Tan

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Why are Asian children such hard workers? In the short story “Two kinds” Amy Tan answers this question by portraying an Asian mother and daughter and their conflicts growing up in a different culture. The mother and daughter really fight over the idea of change. They have a deep conflict over the value of hard work and the achievement of greatness. The same individuals try to blend their ideas of two different cultures of education and hard work. Each Jing-mei and her mother view their purpose in life in different ways and this conflict helps to develop one of the themes of this work. Jing-mei’s purpose in life is to be the person that she is no and not become something that she is not. Jing-mei’s value of hard work is minimal and she doesn’t care about it at all. Jing-mei just wants to be herself she may want to try…show more content…
Jing mei values Independence and she wants to just be her own person not always have someone their telling her what to do or how to do certain things. Jing-mei shows this through her actions towards her mother and as she tells the reader “Why don’t you like me the way I am? I’m not a genius!” (146 26-27) This shows the reader that she wants to be her own person and she believes that her mother doesn’t like her that way so she wants to be alone so that she can pursue her goals. As it is shown many times through this work that Jing-mei

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