Argumentative Essay: The War Of 1812

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points in the war, the U.S. continued to be successful in beating the British and the end of the war starts to draw near. Great Britain and the United States decided to start peace negations in January of 1814 but the discussion was pushed back until July. Both the sides started the negotiations with unrealistic expectations. The United States wanted to end all British marine practices and Britain wanted to create an Indian buffer state in America Northwest and change the American-Canadian boundary line. After long discussion both nations decided to return to antebellum status quo. They signed the Treaty of Ghent in Ghent, Belgium on Dec. 24, 1814. Four days after signing the British had ratified the treaty, and then on February 17, 1815 the U.S. sent in their ratification too. One last battle was fought during…show more content…
When this happened we change our economy and started making products for ourselves. We used technology from the north to improve our manufacturing, and the technology south helped us with our agriculture. We learned here that we should not always depend on other nations to support our economy and we were able to adapt quickly when we need to. Overall America learned many great lessons in this war. The War of 1812 was a great learning experience for America as a whole. As a young nation we learned we were not ready for war with our inadequate line of defense. Then we also learned that even if we have a large army that still isn’t good enough because we need strong leaders and strong soldiers to back them up. “The War of 1812, helped shape the national character and greatly refined Americans’ understanding of the common defense.” By learning the roles of defense our government needs to uphold, we became a more independent nation. So this war was helping us form our independence once again. Unification of the

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