Argumentative Essay On Police Brutality

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Juliette Jimenez- 900847247 ASSIGNMENT #1 It’s no secret that the amount of power police officers are given is in question due to the multiple counts of police brutality within the past few years. Law enforcement has changed over time; however, the intentions of the law enforcers should never be to purposely harm an individual. Whether the brutality brought upon many victims is purposeful or just an accident, is a question that many have asked repeatedly in order to make sense of multiple occasions. The power that police officers are granted with their badge, is there in order to keep society, as well as themselves, safe. I personally do not think that police officers, in general, are given too much power. I do however, believe that certain police officers take it too far because of whatever reason they come…show more content…
There have been many cases in the past few years with mainly African American men being killed by police officers; one of the men being Eric Garner. Last year, the killing of Garner was caught on tape, however, it was later revealed that “a police officer would not face charges relating to the death of Eric Garner, an unarmed African American man, who died as a result of a chokehold during his arrest” (Newburn, T. (2014). Despite signs of less punitive policing and incarceration policies, 2014 will be remembered for Michael Brown and Eric Garner. LSE American Politics and Policy.). The reason I believe it’s only certain police officers who take advantage of the power they’re given, is because of instances like this one. Garner was unarmed while talking to the police, and showed no potential threat; he simply just wanted to be left alone. Once in the hands of the law, he repeatedly announced “I can’t breathe” during the choke hold, and was later pronounced dead due to those actions ( Newburn, T. (2014). Despite signs of less punitive policing and incarceration policies, 2014 will be remembered for Michael Brown and

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