Argumentative Essay: Australia Day Or Invasion Day?

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Over the past few years I have noticed that there are some people, particularly Aboriginal people, who do not believe Australia Day should be celebrated on January 26. Some believe this date should be called 'Invasion Day' or 'Survival Day'. Some claim that this date is the anniversary of a day of sorrow, despair, invasion for the Australian Aborigines and their descendants; and to celebrate it is a sign of disrespect to Australian and Aborigines people as well. However, I also saw some aborigines people were celebrating with their friends and family. Their focus is on the present and not on the past. But they are celebrating the Australia National Day, it doesn’t mean they forget what did British people did. It is interesting that some Aboriginal people see January 26 as a source of emotional suffering, while others view the very same day as an opportunity to have fun. That being said, there can be no denying that for many Aboriginal people,…show more content…
How can they celebrate Australia Day, with who? I view Australia Day in a similar way to how I and many others view Christmas day. Although traditionally it is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Christ, for many people the day has evolved to mean much more. Further, many people realize that December 25 is not the birth date of Christ. This still does not deter people from partaking in the festive spirit of the season, where they are free to attach as much spiritual significance to the day as they like. Australia Day can be a day of celebration for all people in this country who are happy and proud to call themselves Australian. Celebrating this day does not preclude people from reflecting on the negatives associated with c but ultimately people decide for themselves what the day will mean for them. For many it is an opportunity to celebrate that they are living in this fantastic

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