Malalala Yousafzai Speech

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She was shot in head in 2012. Her birthday was named as the “Malala Day” in 2013. She was given the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.(FYI, she’s the youngest to receive one) And the Taliban still want to kill her. Once a girl who cared a lot about her looks and especially her hair Malala Yousufzai now does not even have her face symmetrical or as they say “like it used to be”. A big fanatic of Twilight she dreamed of being a vampire too.But things changed and in one of her interviews she told that when she saw death; the feeling of being alive was much much better than the feeling of having a gorgeous hair or a lean face. She was happy and grateful that she was breathing and honestly that was the only thing that mattered to her then. And so true when they say beauty lies in the eyes of beholder because her thoughts and words have given her a much higher net worth in just a small age of 19.…show more content…
You’d ask how this girl earns and gets acclaimed this much when she is not even an actress?Well, let me just remind you the quote of her life; the one that keeps her going- “the power of words is much powerful than that of sword.”Hmm no wonders her book “I am Malala” is the best seller. Malala Yousufzai is the most powerful teenagers of the world being a Pakistani student and educational activist, she is known for her works which emphasize on right of female which is specially focused on women education. A native of Mingora, Malala was nearly killed in a murder attempt by the Taliban gunman -Attah Ullah Khan. But here she is alive and nothing stopping her from achieving her goal which is to make a world a better place to live.Precisely just doing what she is really good at. Malala’s story is what that every girl faces in this male dominated yet feminist society. Especially in South Asia. She has simply started her book by writing

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