Analyzing Darlene Essschech's Song 'Here In My Life'

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1a) I believe music can transform one’s life instantaneously due to several reasons. Everyone has experienced a song coming on the radio or on a playlist that really strikes an emotion, whether good or bad. Sometimes the song is known to the listener and brings back memories related to the song or related to the time period the song was listened to by the singer. But what about the songs that are unknown to the listener and changes how they feel instantaneously? When no memories are directly linked to the music, why do we experience such a quick unexplainable change? I believe 2 reasons could help make sense of this. One of which could be the genre or the style of the song. Maybe the song triggers certain responses as previously felt due to songs similar to it. Another explanation could be the tempo and mood of the song. As humans, we relate tones to certain events due to prior as well as inherent knowledge. With this as a base descriptor, it would only make sense if the tones, rhythms, and tempos produce innate, indescribable feelings. The goal of music is to cause the listener to feel a certain way using these variables, much like how religion causes the feeling of…show more content…
Alongside using modern lighting and instrumentation along with the upbeat tempo, her song causes immense emotion due to the powerful message in her lyrics. The style and feel of the song causes one to feel a part of a greater good, going in hand with the lyrics speaking of the positive outcome that she has undergone with letting the Lord into “her life.” The style of her song has been known by many to cause innate feelings similar to joy and blissfulness. With this being said, those indescribable feelings would cause one’s imagination to think joyfully and blissfully about who the lyrics are describing and speaking of, in this case, her

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