Analysis Of 'Insane In The Story The Tell-Tale Heart'

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A common question in life is what makes someone sane or insane? Who gets to decide what makes someone sane or insane? We will be finding out what makes the narrator insane in the story The Tell Tale Heart. First, the narrator doesn’t know what he is doing is wrong. Then, his actions have no logical reasoning behind them. Finally, his emotions are above and beyond what is typically expected in a normal situation. With these given facts I know that the narrator is insane. Even though people may think that I am wrong for calling the narrator insane you will discover that I am correct. First of all, the narrator dosen’t know what he is doing wrong. The narrator said "I smiled, for what had I to fear?” This quote proves to us that the narrator is certain that he has nothing to fear about the murder. This is a prime example of how he doesn’t know what he is doing wrong because he thinks he has nothing to worry about because when he killed the old man it was ok to do so.…show more content…
This was proven when the narrator said “I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever." This quotes tells the reader that the narrator plans to kill the old man for his eye. He speaks of killing the man for his eye not for his wealth nor revenge but for nothing more than his eye. Finally, the emotions are above and beyond what is normaly expected in a normal situation. This was proven when the narrator said "I then smiled gaily, to find the deed so far done." With this quote it shows that the narrator is happy to have killed the old man to rid himself of the eye forever. The idea of happiness is not often thought to be a feeling when a murder happens so it shows his emotions are above what is normally expected in this given

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