Analysis Of Dr. King's Letter From Birmingham Jail

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In 1963, Dr. King organized an unprecedented campaign for voting rights and social equality, known today as the Birmingham Campaign. The Birmingham demonstrations were at the time, some of the largest and most prominent civil rights demonstrations in the history of the United States. With the assistance of the SNCC and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights, Dr. King and several SCLC officials organized extremely massive protests and demonstrations in Birmingham. These demonstrations were designed in order to bring maximum awareness to the issues of social inequality and racism in the South, and provided an impact that had never been felt before. King was even arrested in a demonstration and wrote the now famous “Letter From Birmingham Jail” while in prison. This letter demonstrated…show more content…
The local police violently attacked protesters, leading to even more outcry against the Alabama government. The march eventually was successful, as King and many other protesters reached Selma. This march led to support for legislation that would finally grant African Americans complete and unabridged voting rights in all states, as well as officially outlawing southern desegregation laws. This landmark legislation was passed in the form of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, with President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the legislation with Dr. King in attendance (Archives, 2007). Unfortunately, the southern governments still found loopholes in the Civil Rights Act, and continued to discriminate on voting issues. This further discrimination led to the passage of legislation next year, known as the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which specifically prohibited racial discrimination in voting. This victory solidified Martin Luther King Jr.’s spot as not only the greatest civil rights activist in history, but one of the greatest activists, as well as one of the best humans to ever
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