Analysis Of Charlotte Perkins Stetson's The Yellow Wallpaper

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The short story that I have selected is “The Yellow Wall-Paper” by Charlotte Perkins Stetson. The narrator of the story is a young woman. The narrator is a patient of her husband whom is a physician. She is depressed and has hysterical tendencies after the birth of her child. There is also John’s younger sister Jennie who is the housekeeper. The narrator is telling the story from her secret diary that she keeps her thoughts, and the obsession with the wall-paper. Her husband has forbidden her from working and writing. She feels that he is ignoring her wants and she thinks doing all her activities would allow her to feel better. She also talks about how she wishes her Husband would let her go, and she wants to have her child again. Her husband John believes that she is not sick as she…show more content…
The nursery is falling apart and there is a bed bolted to the floor. Also there the windows have bars on them only allowing streams of sunlight in. While she is in the room she starts to describe how she hates the wall-paper. She likes to see the pattern in the wall-paper and she tries to connect the wall-paper. One night she sees a woman trapped behind bars that were behind the wallpaper she says “and it is like a woman stooping down and creeping about behind the pattern” (Stetson 652). This made me think that she is the woman and she is trying to get away from her husband because he is keeping her there when she wants to leave. After the fourth of July her family has visited and she still hasn’t gotten better. John starts to threaten her by saying “if I don’t pick up faster he shall send me to Weir Mitchell in the fall” (Stetson 650) After she sees her bagging is not going to get her out if there she starts to focus more on the wall-paper. She is now insane and starts to believe there are more creeping woman including herself coming from the wall. She has locked herself in the room, and starts to take down the wall-paper. Her husband is frantically trying to get in to get to

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