Analysis Of An Informative Speech On Sex Trafficking

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In only 12 minutes, Sunitha Krishnan delivers a powerful, informative speech to an audience about sex trafficking in her home country, India. In her speech, Sunitha Krishnan describes sex trafficking as “modern day slavery”. She spoke about people, ages ranging from three years old to forty, being affected by sex trafficking. Women were often trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation. They are gangraped, put into prostitution, and physically and verbally assaulted. After listening to the speech, my classmates & I discussed it. A variety of questions were discussed. How can we change the system? What rules and laws can be put in place to better combat and end sex trafficking? How do we bring awareness to this recurring issue? How can we take away the power of those who have the power to traffic? What are the ways we can better help the victims? What can we do to help the people affected by this issue?…show more content…
People who are trafficked are treated like objects, told repeatedly they don’t matter and never will. They are mentally and physically affected by what they go through, keeping their emotions to themselves in fear they’d be judged for it. Therapy sessions could be created where they can talk about what they’ve gone through. Another idea that was shared to help raise awareness was to inform people of sex trafficking through social media, blogs, television commercials, or even the newspaper. An idea that stood out the most that we discussed was to take away power of those who have the power to traffic is to not give it to them in the first

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