Amylase Rate Lab

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1. a) Temperature and pH can lower the activity of the enzyme, fasten the activity of the enzyme, and could also stop the activity of the enzyme. At cold temperatures, enzymes start to slow down their activity and at higher temperatures, enzyme activity fastens. However, extremely high temperatures will denature the enzyme and it will lose its function, resulting in no activity. The physics of kinetic energy states that more heat equals more energy and thus applies to enzymes. Denaturing is when the enzyme loses its structure and as a result loses its function as well. Denaturing causes enzymes to lose their quaternary structure which in turn makes the enzyme loss all function because it has been unraveled. Temperature is very similar to pH in this regard. If the pH is too low, the enzyme will…show more content…
The experiment will consist of amylase, which is the enzyme and is also the dependent variable since it will be measured. The independent variables will be the temperature and pH the enzyme will be exposed to because they’re the changing factors. Our control group will be 20 milliliters of starch into a test tube. If the enzyme, amylase is exposed to extremes of temperature and extremes of pH, then the enzyme will denature and not be able to break down starches. To set up this experiment, a variety of equipment and materials will be needed. Materials needed include several test tubes, amylase, starches, acids/bases, a hot plate, and a cool plate. To being the experiment, 20 milliliters of starch will but put into multiple test tubes. Each test tube will be given 20 drops of amylase. Test tube 1 will be the control group and will have no changes. Test tube 2 will be heated at a high temperature. Test tube 3 will be cooled at a low temperature. Test tube 4 will have 20 drops of acids in it. Test tube 5 will contain 20 drops of bases in

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