Amory's Disillusionment In This Side Of Paradise

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The Role of Women in Amory ' s Disillusionment in This Side of Paradise F. Scott Fitzgerald is a modern American short story writer and novelist. His first novel This Side of Paradise has gained him fame when it was first published in 1920 as "it was considered a revelation of the new morality of the young in the early Jazz Age" (Britannica). This Side of Paradise keeps track of Amory Blaine's attempt to conventionalize himself to a certain social class. Many elements combine together to influence Amory's convention and self-discovery; one of these elements is the feminine existence in his life. Women play an essential role and have a powerful influence on Amory ' s self-discovery during several phases of his life since he was a little…show more content…
Beatrice raises and forms her son differently. In fact, she raises him to be the companion whom she could not find in his father. Thus, while traveling around the country, Beatrice exposes Amory to a special type of education, sophisticated one, which differs from what other rich boys are usually having. By the age of eleven, Amory has already established a solid background about literature, music and art. After his mother nervous breakdown, Amory leaves to stay with his relatives where he finds himself to be different from his peers. The type of education that Beatrice has chosen for him now starts to become an obstacle on his way to fit into his society. While in several courses Amory shows a real superiority to his class mates such as in French, his performance is way behind his peers in other courses like sport which everybody loves and engoys. Thus, Amory sees in sports a window to conventionalize himself and he starts to exert every needed effort to join athletics. After two years separated from his mother, Amory starts to set himself free from his mother influence. The first clue of this freedom is the change of his style in dressing which Beatrice notices immediately and comments on by saying: ""But, my dear

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