American Imperialism In The 1890s Analysis

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War and the Rise of Imperialism in the 1890s, internal or external? The Civil War marked an important manifestation of U.S foreign relations. There were many forces influencing the nature of foreign relations at the time. External intervention was a critical issue throughout the Civil War (Jones). Similarly, there were several factors influencing foreign relations during the rise of imperialism in the 1890s. Economic expansion as an internal force, however, was the key driver of imperialism in the last decade of the nineteenth century (Lafeber). This paper discusses the both external and internal forces that played as important roles in U.S. foreign relations during the Civil War and the rise of imperialism in the 1890s. The paper demonstrates how the role of outside intervention as a critical factor in the Civil War played a major role in shaping foreign relations. The paper also shows how the country's economic…show more content…
The Confederates believed that securing recognition from European powers was bound to happen (Jones). The latter’s reliance on cotton from the South led the Confederacy to believing that Great Britain and France would readily support secession. The Confederacy thus gave rise to the complacent King Cotton Diplomacy (Jones). King Cotton Diplomacy dominated most of the Confederacy’s foreign relations. The Union, on the contrary, took a more cautious approach to administering its foreign tactics. The Union’s diplomatic initiatives were largely directed towards blocking the Confederacy from securing recognition from Europe. The Union, for instance, cautiously established blockades at some ports to limit contact with foreign countries. The foreign relations above, by both the Union and the Confederacy, were founded on the underlying assumption that foreign intervention was a critical success factor in the Civil

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