ultimately a great success from being a series of British colonies to the country we know today. As Stated by Rosenberg, “the growth of American power from the 1890’s to the 1940’s was spectacular.” Henry Luce’s profound belief, as noted by Dr. Rosenberg, in liberal developmentalism, which she sees as the ideological basis for US economic and cultural expansion between 1890 and 1945 was essentially directly promoted to ensure the durability and longevity of the country’s success in its various endeavors
overview of economic development in Thailand since the end of the Second World War to the Asian economic crisis. From the fourth to sixth section, the essay will investigate causes of outstanding industrialization in Thailand. The fourth section is an analysis on the relationship between state policies and industrialization in Thailand. The fifth section is about Thai industries’ modern workforce and rural industries. The sixth section attempts to locate Thai industrialization in international economic