Aldous Huxley Research Paper

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Aldous Huxley: An intellectual Writer of the Highest Class “Every man's memory is his private literature” (Aldous Huxley). Aldous Huxley had many traumatic life events that helped sculpt some of his greatest works. Aldous Huxley was a prestigious writer, scientific experimenter who was able to overcome his hardships and have a successful life. Aldous Huxley was a very well respected and wise writer, so when he brought up non-fiction topics that could become reality, it created people to ask questions and through his work helped people see to the world in a new way. Huxley’s difficult childhood and vast life achievements led to his shaping of the English community. Aldous Huxley did not have the typical childhood. He was born in Godalming,…show more content…
His mother was the sister of Mrs. Humphrey Ward, the novelist; the niece of Matthew Arnold, the poet; and the granddaughter of Thomas Arnold, a famous educator and the real-life headmaster of Rugby School who became a character in the novel Tom Brown's Schooldays (A.,Matthew). Having such a powerful family affected his life. As a small child he was known for showing alertness and a different kind of intelligence. (A.,Matthew) As a result of growing up in an upper class family, Huxley felt that everyone was unique and different. He believed this was the essence of freedom. Aldous felt he had an obligation to fight the idea of the cast system creating happiness .The early years of Huxley’s life were not easy, When he was young, his mother was his teacher until she died from cancer in 1908. In 1911, He was attending a very prestigious school named Eton. He was diagnosed with Keratitis, a disease, which left him almost blind. At the age…show more content…
He soon became a screenwriter. The Huxley’s remained in California for most of their lives, which inspired his novel, After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, which caricatures what he lived through and saw there. In the 1950s Huxley had interest in psychedelic and mind-expanding drugs, such as mescaline and LSD. Aldous wrote two novels under the influence of these drugs: Doors of Perception (1954) and Heaven and Hell (1956). Many people took the novels as an encouragement to experiment with drugs but Aldous wrote an appendix in his book The Devils Of Loudon (1952) that stated the dangers of experimenting with drugs such as LSD and Mescaline. One of the most popular works centering drugs was Island, published in 1962. The novel took him 20 years to think of and 5 to write. His best-remembered novels consist of; “Crome Yellow, Antic Hay, and Point Counter Point from the 1920s, Brave New World and After Many a Summer Dies the Swan from the 1930s.” ( In1959 Huxley received the Award of Merit on his book Brave New World from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, an award that is only given every five years. Aldous was also awarded the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for his novel After Many a Summer Dies the

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