Air India Flight 182 Research Paper

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After the Second World War many people wanted to leave the country [Canada] and travel elsewhere. Since the start of the commercial aviation industry, air travel has been increasing. Air travel has always been a risk, but to what extent are people still willing to travel by plane? Airports and airplanes always want to be safe and secure but it is possible for international terrorist attacks to occur. 9/11 was the world’s worst aviation tragedy, but before that there was the bombing of Air India Flight 182, also known as ‘Canada’s 9/11’. This flight was burned-out of the skies near the coast of Ireland on June 23rd, 1985 (Ferguson, 400). The world was shocked by the bombing of the Air India plane and that tragedy left behind immediate and long term affects. This terrorist attack startled and scared Canadians, caused a change in Canada’s role in the fight against terrorists, and a…show more content…
Sikh extremists in Canada who were a part of the Babbar Khalsa Sikh extremist group wanted to take revenge on India for the Sikh Genocide. In order to do so, they attacked India’s International Airline. This bombing startled and scared the people of Canada and understandable so because according to Former Supreme Court Justice John Major it was, “the largest mass murder in Canadian history” (Guelph Mercury). It was also described as the deadliest terrorist attack in aviation history only to be surpassed by the 9/11 attacks in New York (Ferguson, 400). Canadians feared another attack due to that having been the first large scale aviation terrorist attack. The attack killed a total of 329 people and 280 of whom were Canadian citizens (Quinlan, Baldwin, Mahoney and Reed, 343). Anyone who had a connection to the victims of Flight 182 were exceptionally frightened because it directly impacted

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