Age Of Empire Imperialism

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The readings, “Political Ecology: An Emerging Research Agenda in Third-World Studies” by Raymond Bryant and “Ecology and Social Conflict in History” by Donald Worster, both address the relationship between policy and the environment. Bryant’s analysis portrays the ecological challenges faced by modern (1992) people living in third world (underdeveloped) countries. Worster’s essay calls for historical analysis of environmental and social conflicts. In combining these two works with Hobsbawm’s book The Age of Empire, it becomes apparent that imperialism, and the elites that facilitated it, both historic and modern, play an adversarial role in the environmental challenges faced by the people of the underdeveloped world; only by developing a thorough understanding of diverse global environmental challenges can the protection of the common people’s environmental needs be realized. In “Ecology and Social Conflict in History”, Worster shares his belief that: “ One of the largest questions we need to address is the effect of the rise of modern capitalism and the global market economy on local communities and their relationships with their…show more content…
In chapter three, Hobsbawm exposes the extent of imperial expansion that took place in the second half of the 19th century. Hobsbawm illustrates this expansion of imperialism and the division between the colonizers and the colonies: “This partition of the world among a handful of states, which gives the present volume its title, was the most spectacular expression of that growing division of the globe into the strong and the weak, the ‘advanced’ and the ‘backward’... Between 1876 and 1915 about one-quarter of the globe’s land surface was distributed or redistributed as colonies among a half-dozen states.”4 This seizure of global resources has far reaching environmental and social
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