Agamanta Shakti In India

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Sri Kumara Swamy(1960) The promise of this Agamanta Vedanta and Vachana Sastra is expressed,as….. ‘all the beauties and harmonious of mysterious infinite life are thrown open to man and every movement of being shall be felt as divine. Life is to be completely divinized and humanity be installed in a divine society. This is the promise of Veerasaiva philosophy’, also this darsana is explaned as, “Pure existence (Shiva) is pure consciousness (Shakti), and consciousness is the dynamic aspect of Shiva that is conceived and described as his Shakti. This Shakti is not conceived as any distinct attribute or quality or any special feature of Shiva. Shiva’s Shakti is no other than Shiva himself. In this transcendent nature…show more content…
The orthodox section of this sect claims as this dharma was ancient and originating from mythical teachers Revanaradhya, Marularadhya, Panditharadhya and others. But Basaveswara was the chief organizer (if not the founder) of this sect. More number of men and women saints like Allama, Channabasavanna, Akkamahadevi were enriched the LIngayata movement and revolutionized the religious fabric society. The important feature of this sect is supreme importance, reverence, and worship to a miniature Linga wore on their body always through deexa by Guru. The mantra is panchakshari as redeeming spiritual words formula. Shaktivishistadvita is a philosophical doctrine behind this dharma, as like of Ramanuja of Vishistadvita , but with difference as Brahman is always Conscious of his power thus Vishista implys only Vimarsa or Consciousness of the inner power. Hence this system is Shaktivishistadvita. Panchachara are code of conduct, and Astavarans are protecting layers. Its propagation lead social and gender equality, stress on work, social obligation of sharing with spiritual evolution of human being. It enriched the religiophilosophical system of

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