Advertising In Advertising

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In a world where computers rest in everyone’s back pocket, messages are constantly sent and received. Messages sent from friends,to family, vice versa, and messages from companies to consumers. Constantly bombarded by messages, it is impossible for people not to take in and compare themselves to the messages they receive. Consumers of the beauty and cosmetic industries easily compare themselves to the models and products of advertisements. Consumers often find they fall short of advertisement expectations. Despite being unrealistic, the expectations set by advertisements for beauty, cosmetic, and fashion products elevate the viewer’s expectations of themselves, until meeting industry standards is impossible. As with any industry, the cosmetic and beauty industries use advertisements to sell their products. When they use advertisements, the cosmetic industry influences people’s perceptions…show more content…
These messages often have serious lifelong consequences. Advertisements give children subconscious unrealistic expectations of beauty and gender stereotypes. Children learning what is acceptable in society through advertisements that stress rigorous definitions of beautiful (Scarlott). When the children grow into adolescence and realize they do not fit into society’s or their own expectations, they develop a negative self-image. Because generations have been raised with one definition of pretty, the opinions of others often determine the self-worth and self esteem of adolescents, especially teenage girls (Kane). The mindset that only pretty girls wear size zero and have full flawless makeup everyday, or that cool boys only buy these brands seems to be reaffirmed wherever adolescents, who are at a very developmental time in their lives, look. When these concepts of beauty solidify at such a young age, the effects of advertisements and their following cultural messages are damaging

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