Advantages Of Communism Good Or Bad

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Communism: Good or Bad? Communism is a political and economic ideology that is based on economic equality through the elimination of private property. The ideology was made renowned by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the creators of Marxism. The idea of communism is that the working-class, the proletariat, must rise up against the bourgeoisie, the middle class and up, and establish a new society with no private property, no economic classes and no profits.1 It has been shown that the education and health systems in communist countries such as Cuba have a higher quality than in non-communist countries but is it only positive aspects of this ideology regarding healthcare and education or are there any negative? Cuba is one of the few countries…show more content…
Free healthcare is seen as a fundamental human right in the Cuban constitution. The Cuban health service exceed other countries, even some of the richer ones. If you compare Cuba with the United States you will see that Cuba only spends 431$ per year on healthcare versus the US who spends 8,553$, and Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate and roughly the same life expectancy. The doctor to patient rate is double the rate than the US with 90,000 doctors to the population of 11 million. The Cuban population also have to undergo a compulsory health-check every year to ensure their health is good.3 This healthcare model is much more effective since it catches any health problems before it begins, and it is therefore much cheaper since they catch the problem before it has a chance to develop. This lowers the cost of treatment dramatically. For countries that have similar economies like Cuba this model would be practical since the cost is low, but the healthcare is available for everyone. This would also decrease the chance of an epidemic to happen since it would stop the epidemic before it has a chance to spread. The doctors do not only check up on the people but they also look at the conditions of their living arrangement to ensure that their living arrangement does not damage their health.4 Although this is effective way to ensure the health of the Cuban…show more content…
Education is mandatory until ninth grade of secondary school and it is completely free. Education was nationalized in 1959 after the Cuban revolution took place and at that time the percentage of children who had access to education was less than half. Today Cuba has one of the highest literacy rates in the world with around 100% since 2011.7 The only percentage of the population who is not literate are elder people who did not get to take advantage of the education reform. The attendance rates are also very high with less than 1% dropped out of primary education. The number of students in a class is also much lower than in other countries with as low as 15 students per class in secondary schools. They also have one of the highest teacher-student ratios in the world. Cuba also spend twice as much of their GDP on education than its neighbouring countries.8 The economic crisis has affected the quality of the Cuban education system. The teachers receive low salaries which leads to fewer teachers, especially in the primary and secondary schools.9 The quality of the education system is slowly deteriorating. One of the reasons for this is the low teacher salary, but also that more and more teachers in Cuba do not have the needed qualifications. The shortage of funds has led to the government to shut down schools in rural areas and they have opened trade schools in
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