Animated gifs have 256 colours available so they are best used for simple text and shapes. Advantages of animated gifs Animated Gifs allow single bit transparency and this means that when you are creating your image you can choose to have one colour transparent, so instead of using a plain background you could use a transparent one which would allow the background colour to show through the image. Another advantage of animated gifs is
1 Developing Learning and Reflective Practice 1.1 Introduction Learning is the acquisition of experience and knowledge in general or changes in attitude, behaviors, and skills specially. It does not happen at once development and Progresses over time as a process of various things like training, Habituation, Sensitization, Complex activities or by being taught Karban, R. (2015). Educational psychology, learning theory or how understanding techniques are not to study the learner’s environment
Problems Encountered by Teachers Learning Materials and Facilities Basic learning materials' refers to textbooks, other reading materials, equipment and tools used for instruction. Today, the learning materials used to support teaching cover a wide range of media including audio-visual materials. Sheahan (2015) defines audiovisual materials as teaching tools that teachers use to complement their instruction, specifically in viewing lessons. Examples of audiovisual materials include movies,
108788 Part I: During these two sessions, Dr. Jendian spoke about Faith in Progress. The professor explained that this ideology is when we trust that everything will get better with the time. Therefore, it leads individuals to ignore major problems such as racism and discrimination. Loewen (284) argues that, “…Americans could be persuaded to ignore the injustice of social class if they thought the economic pie kept getting bigger for all.” In addition, Dr. Jendian explained that Americans believe
Diversity is the Military is a broad topic which has its advantages and disadvantages in military organizational setting. Serving 5 years in the military I have known how diversified is our nation’s military based on race, religion and ethnicity. Diversity makes any organization strong because of the diversified resources and ideas the organization achieves from its members. We can be proud that we inherit such a diversified culture we have acquired in our armed forces but in reality the military
The following essay will be based on children and the digital age. It will focus on what the pros and cons are of children’s use in reference to the television and the internet. It will consist of general guidelines and tips for parents to help them when dealing with these two digital products. Kessler (2011) states, “Internet and television use among children has become entwined in other ways as well. A 2010 Nielsen study suggests that 36% of children between the ages of 2 and 11 use both media
policies as well as the skills which the workforce currently possess. In addition the identification and analysis examines the future proposed direction and aims of the organisation and/or individual which safeguards that the training incorporates the learning and skills which are needed to achieve these aims. In other words the training employed will then be designed to fill this ‘skills gap’. This
possible to modify the way of learning and presenting information to them. Broadly teaching and learning process can be divided into conventional teaching and learning methods and innovative or modern teaching and learning method. Traditional teaching method Vs Modern
The three attributes are, being congruence, showing empathy and having unconditional positive regard. Congruence means to be authentic towards client, welcoming them regardless of their past or who they are. With this, clients would share their problems freely without having the fear of being judged or
The second stage is learning phase, employees learn their new tasks and responsibilities. It’s necessary for a leader to use Autocratic style where this is method to be guidance on step to be follow by the employee’s. Some depends to the leader where the employees feel relax