Adi Nes 'Elijah Fed By Ravens'

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Adi Nes used elements of a 1947 photograph by Swiss photographer Werner Bischof of a man sleeping on a bench in Budapest, Hungary, still homeless after post-World War II resettlement. Adi Nes also used elements from a 1620 oil painting by Italian baroque painter Guercino. The painting, named “Elijah Fed by Ravens”, is representational of the historical and widely-recognized religious figure of Elijah. In the fable, God tells the prophet Elijah to hide himself at the brook of Cherith. The drought that Elijah had predicted came true, and the brook was the only place in the land with water. For obediently following his word, God commands ravens to reward Elijah with bread and meat while he hides. “Elijah” is a very successful photograph. Successful in the sense that it utilizes elements of design very auspiciously, line, texture and value all work together to provide a wonderful composition that conveys a lot through one photograph. Bravo.…show more content…
This photograph is very horizontal in a way, because there are very little vertical elements at all. The bench, the path, the strips of grass, the shadows, and the highlights all cross the composition parallel from left to right. This subtle, yet persuading sense of movement is quite profitable in leading the viewer’s eye to the man’s face. The busy, crisscrossing chaos of lines of grass on the bottom half compared to the smooth flat surface of the bench give the impression that the man is surrounded by chaos and anxiety and worry, but can only find rest on the calm, rigid

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