Acheta Domesticus Cellular Respiration

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Acheta domesticus also known as house crickets are in the animalia kingdom. Crickets are omnivorous, which signifies that they eat both plants and animals depending on what is accessible to them. In this lab, we investigated the effect of temperature on the respiration of crickets. Metabolic rate is the speed at which metabolism happens in a living organism. Endotherms use metabolic energy to sustain a steady body temperature comparative to their surroundings. They can create extra heat by increasing their metabolic rate when surroundings become chilly. When environments are warm, they can lower their metabolic rate and get rid of surplus heat by sweating. Endotherms have a much higher metabolic rate than ectotherms. Crickets are ectotherms which use the ecological energy and behavioral adaptations to regulate body temperature. The rate of metabolism in ectothermic insects increases as the environmental temperature increases. This rise occurs because the reactants in the cell have greater thermal energy, and many cellular enzymes are more active as temperature increases (Angilletta 2003). The…show more content…
An animal rests in a chamber containing anhydrous calcium phosphate (Drierite), which absorbs water vapor and sodium hydroxide (Ascarite), which soaks up carbon dioxide. The presents of these chemicals prevents the replacement of the volume of oxygen consumed by the animal with carbon dioxide and water vapor. In this lab, we used a respirometer as a tube that held the cricket. We prepared the respirometer by adding the chemical and covering the chemicals with a cotton ball. Next, we weighted the respirometer before adding the crickets and then after to find their mass. Then we put a drop of water into the manometer (the thin calibrated tube). Following, we observed the water level in the graduated tube on the manometer. We did this experiment in both room temperature and cold

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