Absolutism And Rule Nonconsequentialism

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According to Thiroux and Krasemann (2012) “Nonconsequentialist theories of morality are based on something other than the consequences of a person’s actions” (p. 46). Such theories claim consequences are inconsequential when accessing the moral range of actions or individuals. Similar to teleological theories, there are two major categories of nonconsequentialism: act and rule. While, some theories are more absolutist than others, the basic assumption of all nonconsequentialist theories suggests that consequences are of little concern when considering the right or wrongness of a person, action or situation. Absolutist such as Kant put forth the notion that there are absolute moral truths, whereas moral relativist suggest that everything is relative and there are no absolutes (Thiroux & Krasemann, 2012, p. 56).…show more content…
Rule nonconsequentialist, contend that there are rules that operate as the basis for morality. Advocates of rule nonconsequentialism such as Kant believed that it is possible by reasoning alone to set up valid absolute moral rules that have the same force as indisputable mathematical truths” (Thiroux & Krasemann, 2012, p. 58). Kant used categorical imperatives to support his theory, which state that an action is immoral if it can’t be equated to an imperative that has universal application. Kant asserted that acts are not truly moral unless performed out of a sense of

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