Aboriginal Culture Case Study

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1. Canadians artist and actors face a great challenge against Media Trans-nationals. The majority of Canadian theaters are owned by Media Trans-national companies. As these companies wish to maximize their profit, they screen their own films, instead of Canadian films. Thus, an independent Canadian film is less likely to make as much profit as other Media Trans-national movies. In addition, this effects the amount of exposure Canadian actors receive and their success in the film industry. Moreover, Media Trans-national companies produce radio, music, books, fashion and magazines. They control the majority of global media and communication. Therefore, the music that Media Trans-national companies produce does not necessarily…show more content…
The language and culture of Aboriginal peoples is protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This piece of legislation outlines Aboriginals collective rights. Furthermore, the Canadian network APTN is dedicated towards reflecting the languages, cultures, and communities of diverse Aboriginal peoples in Canada. For example, the children’s show Takuginai, is presented in the language of Inuit people and reflects their ideologies, such as respecting elders, peace and patience. Another example would be the APTN production Mocassin Flats. Moreover, an organization called the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society is an Aboriginal publisher dedicated to serving the needs of Aboriginals across Canada. Is this enough for the protection of Aboriginal peoples’ culture? Canada is an ethnically diverse nation; there are many cultures that are practiced in Canada. It is important for Aboriginals to maintain and pass on their culture, yet it is just as important for other minorities to do the same. So why do only Aboriginal peoples get cultural recognition? Aboriginal peoples do have roots in Canadian history, and that is why they have collective rights and specific services. However, these roots grew in the past and the past should stay in the past. The past should not allow specific cultural groups to have advantages that other cultural groups do not, as Canada has become greatly diverse. It is no longer just the European, the French and the Aboriginal peoples who reside in Canada. In conclusion, yes there is a sufficient amount of methods promoting Aboriginal peoples’ language and culture in today’s diverse

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