A Good Thing Critser

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Greg Critser, author of the article "Too Much of a Good Thing," states that "...at least 25% of all Americans under age nineteen are overweight or obese..." (Critser 161). While Critser says that parents are not to be blamed for childhood obesity, he conveys that they should teach their children moderate eating habits. He concludes his article by mentioning that the world's childhood obesity epidemic could be fixed by following the example of the French in the 20th century: meals should be moderate and adult-supervised, "seconds" should be rare, and snacks should only be given on occasion (162). By utilizing statistics and scientific case studies, Critser effectively professes that the main reasons for childhood obesity are media influence,…show more content…
Critser claims that just one fast-food chain, McDonalds, spends about a billion dollars a year to coerce kids into craving their meals which are filled with "grease, refined flour, and a jumbo shot of sugar" (Critser 162). This is fair, based on the information that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states in their article,"Childhood Obesity Causes & Consequences," that foods high in fat and low in nutrients are eminently advertised to target children, while advertisements for healthier foods are practically nonexistent ("Childhood Obesity"). However, Ernie Hood, author of "Sharing Solutions for Childhood Obesity," counters these two claims by revealing that a popular kid's show, Sesame Street, promotes and teaches healthy habits that are critical to early development of children (Hood). Not only does the media make an impression on children by influencing their eating habits, but a lack of certain resources can also be the cause of childhood…show more content…
If this is true, than the CDC is correct by saying "…children eat more without realizing it if they are served larger portions." Proving this, Critser alludes to a study carried out by Barbara Rolls, a nutritional scholar, in which she served three and five-year-olds different serving sizes of macaroni and cheese. The results showed that the three-year-olds ate a consistent amount, whereas the five-year-olds consumed the entire portion placed in front of them (Critser 161). The CDC also states that portion sizes of unhealthy foods have increased in restaurants and grocery stores over time ("Childhood Obesity"). Gortmaker, Kim, Lindsay, and Sussner support Critser's belief by saying that the way parents feed their children contributes to their eating habits for the rest of their lives (Gortmaker et. al 171). If this is true, than parents feeding their children large, unhealthy food portions, can lead to childhood

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