A Doll's Marriage

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A reoccurring symbol in the play “A Doll’s House”, allows a reader to fully understand a deeper meaning being conveyed by Henrik Ibsen throughout the story of trials and the falling apart of a marriage. The main motif used throughout the story is that of marriage. Each person of the play allows and brings their own perspective on marriage and the cohesiveness of their own personal marriage. A marriage is joining of two equals and “A Doll’s House” focus on the imbalance of a marriage and how it can fall apart because of superiority over another person and having a complete lack of understanding. Marriage is a motif throughout the entire play and is the root topic of every character and storyline, which leads to the beginning of new roads,…show more content…
They are unable to recognize who they are themselves, while still in wedlock. Their marriage is based on superiority of Torvald and treating Nora as his, “little skylark,” and his ,”little squirrel”, and showing his possession over her throughout every action made. Torvald is constantly treating Nora like a child and not having Nora do any of the work for the family. So when it came down to a situation of life or death for her husband and Nora had to make risky decisions for the well being of Torvald, he still did not honor that fact of her trying to help him and instead hated her for going against his will and desires. The Helemr’s marriage was based on lies and at the root of lies, the truth must always come out. As the lies began to be revealed, the quicker their marriage began to crumble. Ibsen believed that matrimony is about the cohesiveness of two people as equals working together for their ultimate well being. Torvald and Nora displayed none of these attributes towards each other, which is why their marriage was doomed from the…show more content…
Linde’s marriage also discloses what kind of person she has become and what marriage has shaped her into as a person. Because of her marriage and the death of her husband, Christine has had to begin to work and make money for herself. With no children or family to look after, Christine had to learn very quickly about how to live for herself and not for another person. Christine had to choose to find her own identity first, wether that be personality, work ethic, or will to live, before another man would come into her life. Which sorted out to being the best decision she could have made for herself. When approached by Krogstad and rejoining their relationship together, Christine is able to stand in and take the position needed to help their new partnership through financial help. Both Krogstad and Christine are able to come together as individuals, but be one together in their new relationship. Their relationship is based on honesty and new beginnings, they are going into any situation together. Which why their relationship will ultimately work together better than Nora and Torvald’s. Their understanding with each other and willingness to compromise for the sake of their well being and those around them is what will keep their relationship together in times of trial, much like the opposite of their friends, the
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