A Deadly Summer In The Cities Summary

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Title The Washington Post’s editorial board is composed of eight writers, who frequently write editorials and columns, and recently came together to publish an article titled “A Deadly Summer in the Cities”. The article takes on a very serious tone, intending to inform the public of recent crime rates in some of the big cities around the country and attempts to analyze them, even though city leaders are struggling to figure it out themselves. They mention cases like Tenika Fontanelle and Ferguson and wonder if those incidents have had an impact. However, in their thesis they state that jumping to any conclusion would be, “premature, at best, particularly because it’s unclear whether we are seeing the beginning of unsettling trends or mere blips” (1). Through research, statistics, and individual case studies, they are able to attribute most dropping crime rates to new policies, and most rising crime rates are related to recent events that have taken place in or around those cities.…show more content…
They also shed light on the case of Tenika Fontanelle, who was shot in the head after her son got into a trivial fight over rock throwing. After introducing their thesis though, they reveal that the crime rate is actually far less than the historical high. From their their research they tell the reader, “Washington probably won’t reach a murder count this year that matches totals from the 1990s or even much of the 2000s … New York City has seen an increase in homicides from last year, but the number merely matches the 2013 level and violent crime is flat“ (1). This is followed by statistics from other cities, including Los Angeles where violent crime has risen 20 percent, but murders are down 2.4, and Milwaukee where the murder rate has doubled this

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