A Comparison Of A Damaged Doctor In A Tale Of Two Cities

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The Reparation of a Damaged Doctor Everybody has a hero. No two heroes are alike, but every hero shares a common trait; devotion. In Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities, resurrection, commonly referred to as being “Recalled to Life”, is a recurring theme. The novel follows the lives of Lucie Manette, Doctor Manette, Jarvis Lorry, Jerry Cruncher, Monsieur Defarge, and multiple other characters during the French Revolution. In the novel, Lucie Manette, who thought her father was dead, found out through Jarvis Lorry that her father was alive. At the time, her father, who had spent eighteen years in the Bastille, was living above Monsieur Defarge’s wine shop in Saint Antoine, Paris. Doctor Manette used shoemaking, a trade he learned in solitary confinement, as a coping mechanism. Lucie and Mr. Lorry ventured from England to France and Lucie was reunited with her traumatized father. In the novel, the damaged doctor was resurrected by the perpetual love and devotion of Lucie Manette. As a result, he becomes an esteemed physician.…show more content…
He was driven to insanity and making shoes to help him cling on to reality. When Mr. Lorry asked Monsieur Defarge why he was always locked up, Monsieur Defarge replied: “Because he has lived so long, locked up, that he would be frightened—rave—tear himself to pieces—die—come to I know not what harm—if his door was left open.” (Dickens 29). Defarge’s response shows that after such a long time in the Bastille, being locked up was all the doctor knew. The doctor needed to be resurrected so he could live a normal life

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