A Business Tale: A Very Large Rabbit

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A Business Tale: A Story of Ethics, Choices, Success – and a Very Large Rabbit Ethics are the basic strategies to achieving goals and living the ultimate life without worries. In the world of Business, ethics play a crucial role in everyone and everybody involved. An EDGE perspective is what every company goes by: Environment, location of the company, Diversification, a diverse group of people, Globalization, is the company going to expand overseas, and Ethics, the right and wrong of a company. Marianne Jennings, a professor of Legal and Ethical Studies, provides information about the consequences of corruption and the rewards of morality in her book, “A Business Tale: A Story of Ethics, Choices, Success – and a Very Large Rabbit.” One day at age of eight, Edgar Benchley meets…show more content…
Edgar has three friends who are different from Edgar: Drew, Heather and Steve. Edgar works at a toll booth, and every time he gets another job, his supervisor always says the same thing to him, “You’ll be back” (38). He got hired at Drew’s company and he found something suspicious about the financials and told Drew about it but he just brushes it off, so he decided to write a letter to the CEO, and the CEO fired him for not being a team player. He goes back to the toll booth and then gets a job offer with Heather. He was getting paid good money but later found out that Heather was involved with extortion and turned in his resignation, “Wouldn’t be honest. Wouldn’t be right” (53). He goes back to the toll booth and later Steve gives him a last chance at a job. Steve came up with a pipe invention and when all the promotions were starting up, an engineer came to talk to Edgar about some defects that would happen if it didn’t get fixed. Edgar told Steve but Steve told him

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