1984 Totalitarianism In 1984

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Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian novel written by George Orwell. The novel reflects a futuristic idea of life by the author, although the novel has surpassed the time it is set in, the objective is still applicable today. As William Lutz describes “the book probes the efforts at manipulation individuals face daily in this information age and the tactics of persuaders from many sectors of society using various forms of Orwellian doublespeak.” Orwell contrasts society in 1948—the time in which it was written, with a complete totalitarian regime. The novel shows a futuristic society in Oceania, a superstate run by Ingsoc, the political ideology of the Party and the dictator known as Big Brother. The main character, Winston resides in this…show more content…
In Oceania, every citizen is under surveillance through telescreens by the Party. The telescreens are used as televisions and security cameras. The citizens that mostly constist of outer party members are manipulated and scared by the constant reminder that "Big Brother is watching you" (Orwell). The persona of Big Brother appears to be an average looking, middle-aged man. Orwell alludes that "Big Brother is the guise in which the Party chooses to exhibit itself in the world. His function is to act as a focusing point for love, fear, reverence, emotions that are more easily felt towards and individual than towards an organization” (Orwell 217). Therefore, it is not openly stated that Big Brother is an actual person. When Winston asks O'Brien if Big Brother exists, O'Brien responses with "Of course he exists. The Party exists. Big Brother is the embodiment of the Party." (Orwell 272) Big Brother in itself is ironic because in theory, a "big brother" is supposed to be a generally nice and friendly person that one would look up to as a mentor. Big Brother is not brotherly, but is manipulative and an enemy to the protagonist. The idea that Big Brother is the best leader to follow is a direct exhibition of totalitarianism. The citizens are indoctrinated to adore and remain loyal to Big Brother, Winston is even…show more content…
In Oceania, “war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength” (Orwell 6) this is itself is an oxymoron. The ministries do not actually do what they appear to. Winston works for the Ministry of Truth, while there he rewrites the history of Oceania. The irony in this is that Winston believes everything that he is writing, even though it is inaccurate in comparison to what really happened. Orwell points out the functions of these departments of government, “The Ministry of Truth, which concerned itself with news, entertainment, education and the fine arts. The Ministry of Peace, which concerned itself with war. The Ministry of Love, which maintained law and order. And the Ministry of Plenty, which was responsible with economic affairs” (Orwell 6). This is just the surface of the manipulation that the Party does. Even the social classes show this, the inner Party is supposed to be the upper class, outer party is the middle class, and the lower class are the proles. The proles are comprised of most of the population and are not monitored by the telescreens or the thought police. The minimal surveillance that they have are secret spies of the though police to make sure that rebellion is not in place. Although the proles are essentially the lower class consisting of 85% of the population, they
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