1984 By George Orwell: Chapter Summary

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BOOK REPORT 1984 - George Orwell 1) Are the characters individualists or collectivists? Why? Although Winston Smith is an individualist, it is not what the leaders of oceania want. They want to monitor all citizens and take away all forms of privacy because people may be a danger to the state, which is seen in the picture of Big Brother which reads “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU.” Therefore individuality is seen as a crime and their government expects all citizens to be the same. (Orwell 1)****** 2) What types of personality does Winston portray and do you believe that he has a psychological disorder? Why or why not? Winston has a strong desire for freedom in the beginning of the book. He seems to want to help overtake the party and be free.…show more content…
Progressivism is the idea that advances in science, social organization, and technology can improve the human condition. It was adopted by some US presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt. While it may seem like a good system to work with, and it does have advantages in a few aspects, its meaning changes over time, and encourages the existence of special interest groups to rule over society. Government becomes “God,” and there is normally no religion. (Schutz 5-17) Communism is the theory of Karl Marx in which all property is property of the state, and nobody owns land. All means of production are owned by the state, and therefore all people work for the government. Everyone is given what they require, and there is no concept of money. All social class distinctions are thrown out, and all people are equals. People should work in order to receive the benefits of the government. In a free enterprise, people are not equals, and people are better than others. This creates a reason to work. We work hard in order to gain wealth, which allows our lives to be better than others, and without this incentive, there is no difference in working as a doctor or as a busboy. (Britannica) Socialism, founded by Charles Fourier, is much like communism. Personal property, such a clothes or shelter, are owned by the individual. However, the means of producing these are still under control of the state. While religion is not eliminated, it is discouraged. All public systems, such as healthcare and education, are made from taxes. These

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