1930 Isolationism Research Paper

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1930’s Isolationism and the Reality of Global Connections In the post World War I era, Americans were unhappy with the events leading up to their involvement in the war. Through neutrality legislation and a geographic insulation, they convinced themselves that they could protect the country from involvement in foreign conflicts. By reviewing several political battles at home, traditional and modern explanations, one can understand how the public felt and how their sentiment changed at the end of the decade. Many thoughts and positions lead to the move toward isolationism in the 1920’s and 30’s. Americans felt that Europeans tricked them into World War I. Some felt the old world had old ideas and were corrupt. Businessmen were concerned…show more content…
He was concentrating on efforts to enhance the U. S. economy and recovery from the Great Depression. At the London Economic Conference in 1932, Roosevelt added to the tension of the global economic crisis by proclaiming “every man for himself”. This attitude and its adoption around the globe set up an atmosphere that bred and aided power-seeking dictators. After Senator Neyes senatorial committee surmised that American merchants and bankers involve the country in World War I to make profits. Isolationism increased. Congress responded by passing neutrality acts in 1935 and 1937 where they supported trade with all countries but stayed out of conflicts. They restricted Americans from sailing on ships going into combat areas or carrying arms. Regardless of aggressions, the U.S. would not allow loans to countries engaged in conflict. This legislation in reality strengthened aggressions…show more content…
Bower ambassador to Spain told them that such a ban would benefit Hitler and other aggressors. Secretary of State Cordell Hull argued that Great Britain and France opposed U.S. intervention, so the ban stayed in place. This mandatory embargo told Hitler that if war broke out, England and France could not get supplies from the U.S. President Roosevelt later admitted that this gave aid to the aggressors and hurt victims in Europe. He then called for increased expenditures for defense and armament. (Holbo, 1967 p. 23) President Roosevelt addressed Congress on January 1941 and gave the National Policy (Holbo 1967 p. 55)

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