• What Is A Second Question About Newton's Second Law And Your Assigned Activity?

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7) What is a question about Newton’s first law and your assigned activity? Write the question and the answer in this space. When a sword is either at rest or in motion, how does this relate to the Newton’s first law? With inertia, an object will stay at rest unless an outside force is exerted upon it or when an object is in motion an outside force must stop it. A sword must be moved by a person, which would mean that the person will be the one exerting an outside force. 8) What is a second question about Newton’s first law and your assigned activity? Write the question and the answer in this space. How would swinging the chain relate to the Newton’s first law? An object at motion will stay in motion in the same direction at the same speed until acted by an outside force. When you are swinging a chain, you would want keep it at…show more content…
Write the question and the answer in this space. How does a heavier weapon differ from a lighter weapon in use? A heavier weapon means it has more mass, which will slow its acceleration. In Newton’s second law, an acceleration of an object depends on its mass and the force exerted on it. 10) What is a second question about Newton’s second law and your assigned activity? Write the question and the answer in this space. Why is the swords acceleration faster than the stick? Because in Newton’s second law, as we mentioned in the question above, an acceleration of an object depends on its mass and the force exerted on it. The sword is lighter than the stick, which means the swords acceleration is faster. 11) What is a question about Newton’s third law and your assigned activity? Write the question and the answer in this space. What does waving the flag relate to the Newton’s third law? When you use a flag to wave in the air, friction is created, and there is resistance from the air. When in contact with the object an opposite force is

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