Why Should Deadbeat Parents Be Garnished

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Why Deadbeat Parents Wages should be Garnished How many little children will go to sleep tonight hungry and without a roof over their heads because of deadbeat parents? A deadbeat parent is someone who freely and willingly neglects their responsibility to financial support their children when they have been ordered through the court system to pay child support. “Sadly, too many kids grow up without the financial support they need when parents fail to pay court ordered child support.” says Lina Guillen. Garnishing deadbeat parent’s wages will ensure that both parents are providing for their children essential needs, it will help prevent families from relying on the government for assistance, and it may be the only way of collecting support…show more content…
Once an individual becomes a parent, by law, he or she automatically has an obligation of supplying his or her children with these basic requirements of life. No child should ever be deprived of these essential needs due to a parent’s unwillingness to take on their responsibility of helping to maintain a child’s basic needs. Garnishing deadbeat parent’s wages will ensure that the absent parent is indeed contributing to such needs as food, clothing, and shelter. Additionally, when deadbeat parents fail to help financially support children, many families have to depend on the government for assistance. Government assistance should be a means of help to families with temporary hardship due to loss of wages not because of individuals not wanting to assist in their financial duty. Wage garnishment ensures that the family will receive support in regular intervals. This will give families some financial stability, causing families to rely less on the government for assistance. Families can then become more independent. Furthermore, garnishing one’s wages may be the only means of receiving financial help from the deadbeat parent. By not paying or showing cause for not paying,

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