Personal Narrative: My First Chemistry Test

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It was the third week of junior year on a green day, and Mrs. O'Gara was handing back the first chemistry test on The Scientific Method. Easily distracted by my cell phone, I did not realize Mrs. O’Gara had just placed the test upside down on my desk. The bell rang, class had begun, and I was told to look at my grade. When taking tests I had a hard time focusing, but I never received a grade lower than an 85%. I was always an A- or B+ student. I flipped the test over and I saw the 62% circled with a small sad face beside it. A note at the top right corner of the page read, “What happened? See me!” I knew it was going to take a long time to bring that grade up to pass first quarter. Attempting to raise my grade left me with a sense of doubt, and my emotions were all over the place.…show more content…
O’Gara. When the bell rang everyone left the class with the exception of me. Mrs. O’Gara came to me and asked, “Ash, are there any questions regarding the test? This isn’t your best work.” I replied “I think it was just a blunder, I’ll do better next time.” Mrs. O’Gara smiled and told me, “I know you’re a smart student, you just need to apply what you’ve learned to the material on the test. I can stay after any day to help you.” I thanked her and left for second period. With field hockey I knew I would never be able to stay after school. First, second, and third quarter slowly went by. Fourth quarter grades would determine my final grade in chemistry. I averaged a C+ because I did the reading and all written work, but instead of listening in class I focused on my cell phone texting my boyfriend. He was a senior and seniors had finished the year early. With him working a full-time job during the day I had nothing else to do other than pay attention. It had finally clicked, I understood the curriculum being

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