Toronto Waterfront Case Study

684 Words3 Pages
To what extent is the Toronto Waterfront project economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable? The Toronto waterfront is being revitalized and renewed by a company called “Urban Strategies.” This is a very needed thing because the waterfront is not a nice environment or place to meet and hang out. Urban Strategies plans to make the waterfront more economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable as well as make it a more aesthetically pleasing place to live and visit. Urban Strategies has five goals for this project: reduce the energy consumption of the city, construct green buildings, improve the air and water quality in Toronto, expand the public transit, and create a diverse and vibrant downtown community. This Toronto Waterfront revitalization project seems to be economically sustainable, but when more research is done it is found that the project cannot be sustained. The budget of this project to revitalize the Toronto waterfront is $1.5 billion Canadian dollars (1 billion Euros.) The project has already been started and they have been working on it since the year 2000. However, the project has gone $36 million (25.2 million Euros) over their original budget. That is 38% more than what they originally thought that they would spend. On the granite sidewalks, they used $4.4 million (3.1 million Euros.) Urban Strategies…show more content…
This will create more places for people to go out and eat, and it will also create more jobs for people who do not have jobs of their own. Toronto hopes to bring more tourists with this new waterfront. This is why they are creating cafes and restaurants; so that people will want to come and sit and eat in this nice environment. This will attract people because everyone will want to come to sit, eat, bike, walk, etc in this nice area of Toronto that they are

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