Torey Hayden's Just Another Kid

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Hayden, T., (1998), Just Another Kid, New York, HarperCollins Publishers Inc. “Just Another Kid,” is about a self-contained special education teacher named Torey Hayden and her struggle to unite six very different students into one cohesive classroom unit. Two of the students in the classroom, Dirkie and Leslie, have intellectual disabilities where as the other children in the class have either a learning disability, emotional behavioral disorder, or both. During the course of the year Leslie’s mother Ladbrooke turns to Torey with her struggle with alcoholism and begins to work as a volunteer/assistant in Torey’s classroom. Throughout the year Torey and Ladbrooke become friends and unbeatable duo in connecting relationships with their students and helping most of them transition into general education placements for the upcoming school year.…show more content…
due to the fact that it is based off real events and gives a relatively accurate depiction of teaching students with a wide range of disabilities. I also think this book would be beneficial for people to read due to the fact that it shows through Dirkie and Leslie that there is a large variety of symptoms and characteristics within the label of intellectual disability that manifest themselves in many different ways. This book would also be useful for parents and teachers of students with intellectual disabilities and/or emotional behavioral disorders due to the fact that one can see the specific strategies that Torey used with her students and perhaps implement them with their own

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