Three Jewels Of Jainism

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As with all religions and spiritual thinkers, Jainism and Buddhism have their own established codes of morality one must follow if they hope to achieve enlightenment. In Jainism, one follows the Three Jewels of Jainism as well as the Five Virtues. In Buddhism one aims to follow what is called the Middle path if they want to be a good and moral human being who becomes enlightened. The three jewels of Jainism are Right belief which means the acceptance of all the Jain doctrines laid out in the Yajur Veda and taught in the Vardhamana, Right Knowledge means understanding the truth about nature and Right Conduct which means ethical behavior in the material world. The Jewel of Right Conduct then branches out into the Five Virtues of non-violence,…show more content…
An example could be that one should not overeat, but one should not starve themselves either. Eating meat, drinking, being lustful, etc. do not make a man free, but neither does abstaining from food, sex and wearing rags. This is because regardless of one’s actions, their thoughts also constitute uncleanliness. Feeling anger, hatred, vengeful, etc. makes one unclean. Buddha states in Sermon at Benares: “But he in whom self has become extinct is free from lust; he will desire neither worldly nor heavenly pleasures, and the satisfaction of his natural wants will not defile him. However, let him moderate, let him eat and drink according to the body... Bur to satisfy the necessities of life is not evil. To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom, and keep our minds strong and clear… This is the middle path.” The middle path of Buddhism then branches out into the four noble truths and the eightfold path. The four noble truths are: dukka which states that all is suffering, Sumadaya which states that all suffering is caused by attachment, nirodha which is the promise of the end of said suffering, and finally, magga which is the path to end…show more content…
Also, these faiths both began in India and do not believe in a creator God. Both of these faiths also have the main goal, as with all faiths and spiritualties, to treat others how you would want to be treated. Another similarity can be found in their structures. Both have a main layout of what one should follow, the three jewels and the middle path, but they then branch out into more guidelines that help maintain one’s journey with either, the five virtues, four noble truths and the eightfold path. A small difference would be how the middle path branches out twice. One must follow the four noble truths to maintain their journey on the middle path, but one must also follow the eightfold path to ensure they are in accordance with the four noble

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