The Unreliable Narrator In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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The book is written in third person omniscient. It's in the point of view Golding, we assume. We know this because when talking about Ralph, Golding says, "Ralph interrupted him testily." (Golding 189). If it was in first person and from the viewpoint of Ralph, he would have said, "I interrupted him testily," but because this isn't the case, we know that Golding is the narrator. We also see this especially in chapter eight. We get inside Jack's mind while he's hunting, "He was happy and wore the damp darkness of the forest like his old clothes," (147). We also get inside Simon's mind during his encounter with the Lord of the Flies (157-159). We even get inside Piggy's mind a bit when he "was so full of delight and expanding liberty in Jack's departure, so full of pride in his contribution to the good of society that he helped fetch wood," (142).…show more content…
To understanding completely the story, you have to understand Golding's views on humanity and society. This is critical to understand so that you can fully grasp the story to its entirety. His view is that there is an evil in all of us and if we don't tame it, or if we aren't in a society that makes us tame this evil, then we will ultimately turn out like the boys in the book. Golding himself, as a person doesn't seem to be biased, but he certainly is throughout the book while he's narrating it. We know this because he doesn't presume certain boys innocent until proven guilty, and we see this especially in the case of Jack and the choirboys, and Ralph with the conch. In the very first chapter, when we are first introduced to Jack and the choir boys Golding says, "within the diamond haze of the beach something dark was fumbling along,"

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