So I have a question for all of you.What does a farm boy, a beautiful girl, a giant and a blood thirsty Spaniard all have in common with one another? Well the answer to this question is the following: when all of these lovely of people are combined the end result is an extremely funny and entertaining novel called The Princess Bride by William Goldman. the Novel begins with William Goldman explaining his connection to the book (that he assures was written by a fictional man known as S. Morganstern). He also explain how it was his favorite book from childhood because his father read it to him when he had pneumonia. Then following his somewhat lengthy but never the less necessary personal anecdote of the story's importance in his own life…show more content… Fezzik on the other hand is on this trip for exactly one purpose and that is to provide the majority of the physical strength for the group. While Vizzini is the group leader and claims to be the brains of the operation.However, they are each met by a man known as the "Man in Black" who is for what ever reason determined to rescue Buttercup and he is eventually successful. It is also eventually reveled that he is The Dread Pirate Roberts as well as Westley alive and welling the flesh, and after an implied joyous reunion they decide to attempt to run away together through the fire swamp.But unfortunately their efforts are unsuccessful only to be apprehended by Prince Humperdinck who has been looking for Buttercup all this time. Therefore, Humperdinck believing that Westley is responsible for Buttercups kidnapping threatens to kill him in the woods only to be prevented from doing so when Buttercup promises to go home with Humperdinck if he promises not to hurt her true love. This he agrees to make her happy but he ends up torturing him anyway with the help of one of his friends.
But fear not, because having survived his challenge with The Man and Black Indigo with the help of Fezzzik decides to hunt down the Man in Black thinking that he can somehow help