The Journey, And George Washington's Resignation Speech

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“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is formed” (Robbins). The three characters in “The Scarlet Ibis”, “The Journey”, and “George Washington's Resignation Speech” lives were all impacted by their decision making skills. Throughout their ups and downs they made several horrendous and several magnificent decisions that all reflected upon who they are as a human-being. Throughout all three stories determination was the key factor in the main character's decision making process. The narrator in “The Scarlet Ibis” was determined that one day his fragile little brother, Doodle would walk and act like a normal child. A spectacular demonstration of this is, “I’m going to teach you how to walk Doodle, I said” (Hurst). This demonstrates the determination the narrator has by teaching his brother how to walk. In addition anger also plays a large role in this story. For example he declared as Doodle was crying for him to stay, “ The knowledge that Doodle’s and my plan had come to naught was bitter, and that streak of cruelty within me awakened. I ran as fast as I…show more content…
An exhibit of this would be when he states, “Happy in the confirmation of our Independence and Sovereignty, and pleased with the opportunity afforded the United States of becoming a respectable nation” (Washington). Furthermore this confirms his peace of mind that he feels as he resigns as commander in chief. Another prime feeling that affected his decision making was when he revealed his satisfaction. He presents this by conveying, “I resign with the satisfaction the Appointment I accepted with diffidence” (Washington). In this passage it clearly states the satisfaction Washington felt knowing that due to his determination and several other key feelings that influenced his decisions a new country full of freedom was

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