The Devil Toddlers Research Paper

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The Devil Destroyers We are at Pappa's Pizza like always after a game and we were just coming from a loss to the Mustangs. I glare at my team to see what had we become from the last season because great last year but not this year. Sitting next to me was was my best friend Trent. He is the point guard on our team and is the only guy I know that can shoot with both hands. He is incredible and can shoot the ball like he was genetically made for it. Trent and I are the only people from our town that are on this team because it is a team that picks players from all over our county. The only guy that I know well on our team is our center Wes. He is such a gentle giant and is kind. He is about 6 foot 4 inches…show more content…
Coach Dale tells us to get a partner, but since there are 5 of us someone has to go with coach so I step up and decide to go with him. We pass the ball back and forth while shuffling down the court. We do chest passes, bounce passes, and overhead passes for about 10 minutes. Then we do some weird shooting drill I have never done before. We run of the screen and shoot it and after we shoot we go set a screen for the person who sets the screen and they shoot. That takes about 10 minutes and then we get into running plays. Coach says that we are going to add one play that is going to work every time, but we only use it on special occasions. We call it the Devil Destroyer and this play is golden. First, Trent takes the ball and passes it to Parker on the left side of the court. Then Parker dribbles the ball to the top of the three point line and Wes and Bret set screens for me and Trent. Trent and I then cross each other under the hoop but I cut back and follow Trent so we are on one side of the court. I go set a screen for Parker and he passes it to Trent in the corner. After the screen I set I roll and Trent hits me on the run and it's a lay-up. We finish up practice with conditioning and go…show more content…
Trent drives down the lane and passes it to me for the outside shot. Then the Devils take it and start draining threes. All of the first quarter we would do our pick and roll and it usually worked but then when the Devils got it they launched 3 pointers and kept making them. During the 2nd quarter we played lock down defense and kept them from shooting the long ball. They ran like 50 different plays that confused us and they got easy lay-ups. Trent and I kept passing it down to Wes who passed it back and we kept hitting the outside ball but then we started running The Devil Destroyer which of course worked every time. At the end of the quarter it was 37-23 and we were losing. During halftime coach Dale told us that we actually could win this game. We need to play tight defense and through the ball down low more. When the 3rd quarter began we just went on a streak. It was like we had new life because everyone was sprinting down the court. We got at least 10 points off of fast breaks but they had so many plays it just kept confusing us but we played lock down defense just only giving up a couple of points from the outside. At the end of the 3rd quarter we were down 52-49 and I thought we were going to win this

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