The Chicago Tribune Analysis

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The Chicago Tribune is using certain events as tool for baseless fear mongering, to scare the people of the United States of America. Though the site’s method of emotional manipulation to bring these events to light aren’t truly unorthodox they could use more facts, rather than biased information. The Article from the Tribune provides information without backing it up from any credible source. These pilotless, remote-controlled aircraft have been a boon to the war against terrorist enemies in South Asia. They were a key to our successful intervention in Libya. With great promise for law enforcement, they also have been deployed by the Department of Homeland Security to detect people illegally crossing this nation's southern border: . . . (The…show more content…
Are the men that the U.S sends redundant? The article itself seems to be debating against itself through out. Its contradictory statements end up making their points rather redundant. But as last week's filibuster by U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., dramatized, these machines also evoke serious concerns. In the realm of the war on terrorism, the fear is that, having been used on foreigners and even American citizens involved with al-Qaida, they may be used to kill Americans on U.S. soil without a hearing or trial. ‘The Fifth Amendment protects you ... from a king placing you in the tower, but it should also protect you from a president that might kill you with a drone,’ Paul said: …. (The Drone Future) The Chicago Tribune brings up a valid point about Drones targeting U.S citizens, and they cite a senator. However they instantly flip on the matter, making the senators statement useless to the article. Limiting targets to senior figures in al-Qaida and affiliated groups who are involved in planning attacks and cannot be captured. This last condition, Paul might have noticed, would exclude almost anyone on U.S. soil, citizen or not, since apprehending a suspect here is far easier than in Yemen or Somalia: . . . (The Drone…show more content…
Yes, drones could easily impinge on privacy. However! In this day and age the public impinges on its own privacy. There is nothing “private” about the lives of the world’s citizens in the first place. Most people can’t eat a meal without posting it on Instagram. There are people posting pictures of themselves with the money from the bank they had just recently robbed. Should privacy be the real issue that we’re trying to bring up? I mean sure it’s harder to target people in the U.S, but what about the innocent people that drones have killed, do they not

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