The Arguments Of Seneca's Letter

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Seneca’s Argument Lucius Annaeus Seneca born in 4 BCE and died in 65 CE had one of the greatest minds known to Roman history. Seneca served as an advisor for King Nero and has written countless of writings. During Nero’s reign Seneca wrote letters that had shown a transition in the Roman Empire. A historical argument that we can make about the Roman Empire based on Seneca’s Letters is that the Roman Empire began to deteriorate because people were too involved with pleasures, social politics, and did not succeed in keeping a peaceful mind. In Letter V, Seneca is telling Lucilius to be more into his studies and not to be like those people who crave attention about the way they look and what materialized objects they seek. One of Seneca’s quotes was “Let our aim be a way of life not diametrically opposed to, but better than that of the mob…show more content…
During the time Seneca were writing these letters, arena gladiators and vomitoriums were highly popular. One can say either being a spectator or participating in either one of those can be justified as humane but the Romans enjoyed such entertainments. Tons of spectators trying to play God yelling, “Kill Him!” gave happiness or throwing up everything your body has worked hard on to digest just to make more room in their stomachs, built satisfaction. Avoiding a mass crowd should become a priority because “Associating with people in large numbers is actually harmful: There is not one of them that will make some vice or other attractive to us (Seneca 41).” What you enjoy doing the most will most likely become your hobby. If you enjoy such activities, these activities would be likely to become daily or whenever there’s time to engage in them. This type of socialization could damage ones way of thinking and have them make an improbable decision, which does not benefit Roman people at

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