Tamara Winfrey's Essay 'Nappy Love'

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When I read Tamara Winfrey Harris’s essay, “Nappy Love: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace The Kinks,” I feel as if she is delineating my hair. My hair is uncontrollable, thick, messy, and undesirable, just like Tamara Winfrey Harris’s hair. However, it wasn’t as easy for me to get to the point of saying “My hair is nappy. And I love it” Harris’s essay gives an explanation on how society’s pressure made her go through pain and in the end she realized to embrace her nappiness. When Harris was growing up, she yearned for the American identity. She wanted the straight, long, smooth, and tamed hair. She would have to chemically relax her hair that came with a rough price. The disturbing chemicals would leave scars and burn on her scalp, and would damage her hair so much, it eventually broke off. She would have to settle for “Hair I could toss and run my finger through, something closer to the ‘White girl hair’ ” But this was something that she did not enjoy. When I was growing up, I too, wanted the straight, long, and normal hair. I would chemically relax my hairs for years. After realizing that wasn’t accomplishing want I wanted, I straightened my hair…show more content…
I knew that African Americans had different hair than me, but I also understood that I felt the same way as they did. I thought that they all didn’t think their hair was that big of a problem because they could solve their hair with a weave, which is normal for African American’s to do. My friends would constantly tell me to wear my hair down, but I just figured that they didn’t actually know how big and different my hair was. One day in 11th grade, my friends came up to me in the morning, pulled my ponytail out, and ripped it in half. That day was the first day I wore my hair down in several years. I got many compliments from classmates and teachers, that it made me slowly start to wear my hair down

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